
Monday, January 5, 2009

Time to start sowing seeds - wintersown

Sunny Snow Sprinkles
Feel free to suggest a better name but check it out, if you look close you will see that it is snowing and sunny at the same time.


I ran into this idea a few years back. A creative gardener decided to try her hand at sowing seeds outdoors in the middle of winter in mini-greenhouses using recycled material. Not only is this the ideal method for anything that requires some sort of stratification or that naturally sows itself in your area, it is used on tomatoes (etc) too! I have never tried the latter so I'll give it a whirl this year.

I highly recommend you check out this innovative and creative technique:

My old blog's adventures in making the pop bottle type.


Hey I logged on for Harvest Monday? Well today I am harvesting from my root cellar, freezer, and indoor counter tops. I'll brave the coldframe next week.


  1. Thanks for the link. I have heard of winter sowing but have not put much thought into it. I will have to read into it some more.

    I tried to open my cold frame the other day and it is frozen shut from all the icicle on the roof dripping on it. I didn't think of this when I placed it in its spot!

    I look forward to your cold frame post.

  2. What a neat idea! I am going to raid my recycling for plastic bottles. Have you tried broccoli or cabbage? I would love to start my plants outside to save space inside!

    - Brandy

  3. Wintersown is a great organization and a terrific idea and works fairly well with even tomatoes and peppers. Brassicas work very well also!
