
Monday, January 19, 2009

Harvest Day - Tomatoes!

Yup, I'd like to announce that on January 19th, 2009, I am harvesting tomatoes.

Winter Keeper tomatoes nearly all eaten up.

These are long storage tomatoes by the name of Winter Keeper, a variety that I got from Mapple Farms. They have been sitting on this rack since the end of September and have been slowly ripening ever after. Some but only a few have succumbed to rot. Most have stayed blushy gold with a red interior until I eat them. The taste is no where near as sublime as a sun ripened tomato but it is not bad considering they have been riding the shelf for the past 4 months.

Let us harken backward to other end too where I am starting Tiny Tim dwarf tomato because I'm curious how well it will grow on a window sill. I'm also going to be trying Red Robin which is apparently adapted to this sort of growing. Aren't they cute?

Teeny tiny baby tomato with huge pointing finger.


  1. Very cool!! I plan to try those longkeepers this year. Some people just pull up the whole plant and hang them upside down in the basement (or so I have read). Do you keep em in the kitchen at room temp or is cooler like a basement or fridge better?

  2. Wow! that is so cool and well planned. I should be harvesting tomatoes but the balcony veggie garden is so so so far away and my housesitter is the one enjoying the spoils! Enjoy your winter tomatoes!!!

  3. The only tomatoes I'm eating right now are the frozen ones in soups and stews. I can't wait for summer.

  4. I thought mapple farm sound familiar, then I realized I am going to order sweet potato slips from them.

    Good luck with your tomato! I have been playing around with the idea of setting up a hydroponic tomato under my grow light that runs all winter. Maybe next year I will give it a try.

  5. Good job with the tomatoes, we have a similar one called Burpee Long Keeper. They are probably the same. How long does your cabbage keep in the fridge? It is the one crop I have storage issued with.

    Nice blog
