Gone to seed but not gone. After cutting back some spent seed stems, I find green at the base of the Bietina (type of Swiss chard)!
Don't count this 'Red Ursa' Kale out yet, after providing delicious and nutritious leaves last summer and fall, waking up bright and early from the receding snow pack this spring, the plant went to flower, reseeded these babies on the left of the pictures and put out a new flush of tasty leaves, on the right.
Even this annual mustard keeps going after its seed stock has dried up and fall down with this decorative wine coloured display.
Here are some freshly germinated mustard babies not far off.
Mache's mom and dad may be gone, but its ultra hardy, mild tasting seedlings live on to lushly carpet the ground, with a self sown chicory in the middle.
Not to leave the alliums out, bunching onions that were munched on by leek moth spring back,
and topsetting egyptian onion plant themselves to produce a widening patch of these rich tasting hollow spears.
The bulblits are in the midst of the violet leaves, with small green spears emerging.
Viva the self starting fall garden!
First off, I love your writing and always enjoy reading you. :)
Secondly, I'm happy to see you have egyptian onions ! I received a bunch of topsets from a blogger friend of mine a few days ago. Most have sprouted in transit (some have spoiled). I didn't think they'd survive storage 'til Spring so I planted them out (+ a few inside (in pots), just in case). I know they're hardy but winter is seriously on my doorstep (we had snow today). Should I give them some protection until they set or are they OK ?
Oh, and btw, how do you like them ?
Yes, the greens keep giving, don't they! Enjoy.
InfG: If you normally don't get consistently frozen ground until later on in the year - like Dec. - then they'll probably do just fine. If you already have hard ground, then you could put a layer of leaves on them. Let me know how it goes!
Thx for the reply, OG. I will mulch them.
You say the spears are rich tasting, should I presume you're not particularly fond of the bulblets ? They are pretty small and (I can only imagine) somewhat laborious to peel and prepare. They pack quite a punch, apparently.
To be honest, I haven't yet been bothered to eat the bulblits because of the laboriousness of preparation and I usually have larger multiplier onion to use instead. I have thought of pickling them for fun.
Just wondering if you knew your post was reblogged here, http://www.furniturecustommade.com/stories/fall-revival-09-long-live-greens
I discovered that one of mine is also. I have tried contacting them but had no reply yet.
Thanks CG
Nice volunteer work OG (or non-work!).
Greens in fall are so, so good - we're a bit warmer than usual, and things are still growing out there, albeit slowly. Fall chicory is the best, I think!
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