The last mailout of seeds ready to stuff into envelopes.
I'm happy to report that at the end our fiscal year, the completely FREE seed giveaway was a great success. I had people requesting seed from all over Canada and the US. As part of larger seed trading / giveaway networks, including the International Seed Network hosted by Bifucated Carrot, I had the priveledge of sending seeds cross the Atlantic as well.
Most of my extra seed is gone but I did keep a bit aside for the last event that is this weekend.
Seedy Saturday Ottawa
March 6, 2010
Fun, food, seed traders, vendors and more!
Also, I hear Perth is having their first annual Seedy Sunday on March 7 so you could make a weekend out of it.
Good luck with your Seedy Saturday! We're having them over here in Lindsay and Peterborough in the next couple of weeks, too.
Great fun & great gardeners!
All the best!
I *can't* wait for Seedy Saturday.
Even though I'm not sure we'll be able to have a garden this year (we're in the moving versus renovating conundrum), I'm sure I'll still manage to leave with a few packages of new tomato seeds...
Thanks again for the orach and mustard! :)
Last year I got Cranberry pole beans and Trail of Tears beans from you. This fall I sent the cranberry beans to six more people and the Trail of Tears to three. They could spread all around the place if people save them and keep sending them off to more people.
Looking forward to Seedy Saturday! Shockingly, I haven't taken inventory yet of what I need, but I know that at least a few more varieties of flower seeds would be handy.
That sounds like a lot of fun. I'm going to give away plants this year, I think. I'll just start whatever I want and move them around.
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