My beautiful bit of dirt that gave my family years of delicious food.
On a less serious note, selling this urban oasis, means I had to remove my back veggie patch. This is the one where I put in most of my annual crops though at the time shovel hit dirt, it was already filled with volunteer kale, mustard, some florence fennel coming up and lettuce. The garlic, potato onions and shallots were all growing strong too. I am not sure how much they will like being transplanted but I figured why waste them? Maybe the new owners will appreciate a fresh garden harvest.
This is what I did to it. Flattened out the circular beds, added some shrubs that were crammed into another bit of the garden and surrounded them by various edibles that were in the veggie garden. I'm waiting for seeds from some and food from others. Who knows when I'll move. Besides, it greens the new garden bed up. Now our lawn has doubled in size.
You may be thinking "I would love to buy a house with a big, nice veggie patch. You should have left it." I tried that argument with the realtor but given our very, very big garden in the front yard with lots of edible landscaping and the quite large garden on the other side of the veggie patch and the two sizeable gardens beside the house, she said that perhaps what might be more attractive to a potential buyer was lawn, or as I like to call it green concrete. Pouring seed will commence just before the rains expected tomorrow.
Sorry to hear about your son. I am sure he would have loved you all as his parents and would have loved growing up in a household where gardening and being outside and enjoying life would have filled him with great joy. Irregardless of your religion, God has him and he is enjoying watching his parents from above.
Like you said on non serious note, I know how you feel having to change over the garden, especially with things starting to surface. Good luck on your home sale.
I'm so sorry about your son. That must have been devastating.
I'm selling my house too. I debated a couple of years ago about replacing the picket fence that surrounds it but the odds are is that whoever buys it will tear it down and put the lawn back anyway. So I decided to let it be. Luckily our agent didn't tell me to rip it out because I'm not sure I would have done it. It is a slightly terraced garden and not only would it have been a pain to rip it out, I would miss the spring veggies. I really do hope someone that loves the garden will buy it but the odds are slim. I was lucky with my last house. The family that bought it was a couple of school teachers and they thought the garden was fabulous.
So very sorry for your loss, T. (The way you wrote it, beautifully as always, really choked me up).
That's wonderful news about your move. Best of luck with the sale and all the best in finding your rural paradise !
It's not often you see a post about undoing a garden. How sad to see it all go!! But I agree with the realtor.. a nice green carpet (I feel dirty saying it!) attracts buyers.
I'm very sorry to hear of the loss of your son. I understand the need to say things out loud sometimes. And I am one more person who will remember him, even if only in such an abstract way as the internet.
(Found you through blotanical!!
Sorry for your loss of your son. I hope the pain lessens as time passes.
Best wishes on your new adventure.
I'm so sorry for your loss. Here's to new beginnings. I envy you moving to a rural location; I grew up in one and miss it dearly, living in midtown Toronto.
I am very sorry about loss of your son, it is the biggest loss a person can have.
Wonderful news that you are moving. Wishing you all the luck with a new house and a new garden!
I am sorry to hear about the loss of your son. It must have hurt so much.
I hope a new direction brings healing to you and your family. Good luck selling your house and finding your next home and garden.
Thank you for sharing about the loss of your son. It certainly does change one's outlook. I lost a baby daughter in the fifth month of pregnancy many years ago--she would be 23 years old this year. You will always have his memory in your hearts, but the pain will subside, thankfully.
Leaving your house and garden is another type of loss, but I hope that you will enjoy your new beginning.
I'm so sorry about your loss of your son. Can you plant a flowering tree at the new place, or better yet, a nut or fruit tree, to honor him?
Yes, realtors don't understand. I personally would have loved my house had it been set up all garden as it is, but apparently that's not the norm :)
I hope you greatly enjoy your new country home.
I'm really sorry too about your son. Sometimes life really isn't fair.
Best wishes on your new home. I hope the housing market is strong enough for you to sell your house and move soon.
So sad to hear about your son...
In re the garden, if it's any consolation, at least you don't have to worry about what the new occupants will do to the yard... We took two years "off" to go to graduate school and rented our house out. First tenant was really nice, but then we had the tenants from hell.. you cannot imagine... not to mention having to let a quarter of an acre of raised beds go to witchgrass for three years.
Hope your new home hunting is going well!
Thank you to everyone for remembering my son with me.
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