
Monday, May 24, 2010

Harvest Monday - Rhubarb and Rainbows

There are lots of goodies in the garden including masses of rainbow greens, onions and today's harvest of rhubarb for some muffins.

Magenta Spreen: Chenopodium gigantium

Like its cousin, lamb's quarters - Chenopodium album, it excells at seeding but look at the seedlings!

Orach - Red and Gold: Atriplex hortensis

Another self sowing beauty which makes for a delicious cooked or fresh green rainbow.


My youngest, for scale, with a strange smile on her face. Mabye she's not sure about rhubarb muffins or maybe it was all those green gooseberries she insisted on eating?

Great rainbow greens:

Orach - comes in colours from gold, purple, red, magenta, green and in between
Chard - Bright Lights is a favourite or try beets like Bull's Blood
Mustard - Many asian greens come in shades of purple and pink
Chicory - look for red and variegated varieties.
Magenta Spreen - A towering plant once its mature and delicious
Amaranth - Gold, red, orange, variegated. Look for types for greens
Kale - purple, pale and green with purplish viens
Lettuce - more than I can describe
Fennel in bronze and green


  1. Hello,
    Magenta Spreen: Chenopodium gigantium
    Beautiful plant and I love the colors.

  2. That rhubarb looks huge. I keep seeing rhubarb blooming all over the place right now.

  3. The orach is simply beautiful. I should be growing it too! The rhubarb is really big. That's one thing I never acquired a taste for.

  4. Interesting colors! Thanks for the introduction to magenta spreen and orach. Lots of new to me greens to dream about and try in the garden.

  5. I love when veggies look beautiful, and also taste lovely. Rhubarb is big! I don’t grow it, but when I see pics like this, I start to think that I just might try.
