Lovely curving scape from a hard neck garlic.
One that contains a teeny tiny invader - unfortunatley, it's hard to see this guy as s/he's white on white. You can tell more from the damage of frass near a borer hole.
Last year, I believe that most of my scapes were moth eaten but this year, perhaps because the garlic is hidden in a pile of seeding mache, only about 50% were hit (so far).
Leek Moth from the Canadian Ministry of Agriculture
Thanks for the link, I'd been meaning to ask you abut the leek moth. I hope it stays far from Maine!
I guess everyone is making garlic scape pesto these days. How do you combat this pest? you cut off the tops of the garlic plant?
It seems like bugs would not even bother garlic scapes but I guess there is bug for everything! Thanks for posting the info on the leek moth.
I've never heard of a leek moth before, looks like a nasty pest. Does Bt work on it?
Well, it's good the moths left you some this year! I wonder if the mache confused them?
This is the third post I've read tonight that talks about garlic scapes. I had never heard of them before today. Hope you got enough scapes to make pesto.
I've never seen a leek moth before. My alliums are pretty safe from my local insects. Thank goodness something is.
I hope you get enough of undamaged scapes for yourself. I have never seen this bug or noticed any damage like this (lucky me).
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