A bunch of Brassica napa seeds.
I've up to my armpits in Brassicaceae seeds such as rattail and daikon radish, as well as Michihili Chinese Cabbage (or that's what my tattered memory tells me it is), Red Ursa kale and however much mustard seed I'd like to collect which is none unless I get a request. I'm letting this generation create a dense, edible dirt cover for early spring next year, and hopefully a semi-feral population after that.
I've made many a post on collecting seeds of this most delicious family so I won't repeat myself (this time) but here is a pictorial of how we threshed a large amount of Chinese Cabbage Michihili.
Possibly way more than you want to know about brassica seed saving
My eldest demonstrating with very serious face how she walks the chaff off the seed.
To date, I've collected:
Michihili (I think) Chinese Cabbage*
Daikon and Rattail radish (these might have crossed)*
Unnamed Ground Cherry*
Red Streaks Mustard*
Chickpeas, mixed
Beans, many kinds
Peas, many kinds
Buckwheat, scant
The beautiful but leathally spined Milk Thistle's seeds.
Some Dill
Milk Thistle*
Edible Chrysanthemum
Double somniferum poppy*
Asian Poppy
Flander's Poppy
Blanket Flower*
If they have a star, then they will be appearing on the trade list soon.
... TBC ... When I finish cooking a couple lasagnas and make a fesh salad for the visiting Fam.
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