Scotch bonnet saved from grocery store seed. This is its second winter in the house.
You can see the last year's large, lush leaves are drooping and will probably drop though I am getting a new crop of leaves budding. I harvested most of the rest of the peppers today to pickle and dry.

Yummy but a bit much for one meal - this calls for preserving measures.
Aphids are plaguing this plant as they did last year but this year, I have some volunteers keeping their population down.

Rural properties have a lot of (lady)bugs apparently. Not that I'm complaining.
Oh wow, such a beautiful plant, I've never overwintered peppers before, I should give it a try next year. (Yeah right, I've been saying it for the last 2 years.)
I brought in an anaheim chile plant this winter. It was attacked by aphids too and white fly. I ended up having to resort to pyrethrin because they coated the whole plant.
What a beautiful pepper plant - it almost looks like it's full of holiday ornaments!
That pepper looks quite happy in it's indoor digs! Lucky ladybug to get a feast and luck you to have her control the aphids!
I like the thought of bringing your peppers indoors for the winter. I think I will put mine in pots next year and try it as well.
Such beautiful peppers. I occasionally think about bringing in a plant, but I know from experience that I'll just kill it. It has been a while since I've had one indoors. I either under or over water the poor things. Outside is a lot easier.
It's a beautiful plant! I wish I had enough light indoors to bring a plant in!
Bah. Aphids.
I kept bringing ladybugs down to the plants when I found them in the house they would dutifully clean off a leaf or two, then fly up into the grow lights or somewhere and commit suicide.
(by the way, how come last year when I didn't want them, there were ladybugs all over the place, and this year, when I have pepper aphids for them, there are almost none?)
A few days ago I cut both plants down to the stumps and threw the leaves and aphids into the outdoor compost. Either they'll come back, or they won't. I needed the aphids gone-gone before I started seedlings nearby.
Next year, I think I may cut them to stumps when I bring them in, instead of after they've been fighting aphids for a few months already.
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