
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Tomato Tuesday - Time to get Independent

The weather stations all agree and the May 2-4 weekend is fast approaching. Looks like there is no frost on the horizon so I kicked my tomato babies out into the garden. As I was planting, I noticed something very interesting:

Arctic Queen shows off its flower buds.

What's that? Flowers? Oh yes my friends... and it's not even June. I'd just like to stop here and remind myself that this was an experiment in starting tomatoes inside/outside. This is an alteration of the wintersown technique I use when impatient or with some tender plants. Seeds, sometimes prespouted, are sown in wintersown containers and left outside during the day but brought in at night if frost threatens. I figured it would be an easy way to do tomatoes as I have taken down my seed starting shelves in preparation to move - no time soon as it turns out but I digress...

Tomatoes planted in an old pond area that has been filled in. My veggie garden has been converted to yawn to sell the house.

As it seems that we won't be finding our rural slice of the pie in a timely fashion, I also figured I would sow other tenders like beans, and summer squash. I'm hoping we'll be out of here by the time a butternut is nicely mature.

By the way, technically this could be risky as there *might* still be a late frost but I have frost clothes and cloches if such an event happened. The average last frost date here is actually in early May though it varies greatly. Most years, I put out my tenders mid-May.

Planting times in Ottawa.


  1. I'm sure your tomatoes will enjoy their new found freedom.

    I'm sorry that you had to convert your garden to lawn to attract home buyers. If only more people appreciated the beauty of a veggie garden.

  2. I hope you get some nice harvest from those tomatoes before you move.

  3. Sometimes tough love is the way to go. While I hope you have a timely move, I also hope you enjoy this garden one last time.

  4. Those look pretty healthy. I've had my plants outside a lot too, but I still bring them in on cold rainy days (like today).

    I keep wondering if my garden is scaring buyers off. Though it wouldn't cost much to rip out and seed in lawn. And that lawn would grow so well with the soil that is there.

  5. Nice seedlings! I hope you don't get any late frost and those tomatoes can grow fast and strong before you find your rural place.
