Monday, April 11, 2011

Overwintered Harvest Monday

Tops and tails of parsley root

Once again, thanks to the previous owners, I got a harvest today of parsley root. It seems that a number of things thought it a tasty treat too but there was enough to share so I plan on cooking it up for dinner tonight accompanied by a side of parsley leaf salad.

Also our first bottle of maple syrup. The harvests are coming in at last!

Doesn't that pinch of hard work always make things taste fabulous? Actually it was quite zen watching the evaporators for a day in the woods while sugaring.


gardenvariety-hoosier said...

I know parsley and parsnip are related. Is the flavor similar?

Accidentalultrarunner said...

I've never heard of parsley root before. How do you use it?

kitsapFG said...

Bonus harvest thanks to the prior owners! Love that jug of syrup - nectar of your labors.

Anonymous said...

parsley root...never knew you could eat the root and I definitely didn't know it looked like that! What does it taste like?

Mac said...

Wow, your own maple syrup, great harvest!

Ottawa Gardener said...

It tastes reminiscent of parsley or celeriac I guess. You can use it in the same ways you use parsnips like mashing or baking. I haven't used it raw yet as I haven't ever grown it. These were planted by the previous owners.

Daphne Gould said...

I've never had the parsley root before. I've grown some (not the hamburg type though) that ended up with big roots and I wondered if they were good to eat or not.

The maple syrup has to be the best though. I so love it.

thyme2garden said...

I had no idea parsley root looked like that, much less that they were edible. Now I'm curious about our parsley...

Ottawa Gardener said...

This one is a particular type of parsley bred for big roots - hamburg I suspect as Daphne mentioned. It's pretty cool as it gives you two useful crops. Though I guess if you ate too many leave sit would comprise root production.